Dior's classic presbyopic color scheme has been used on too many products, whether it is bags, shoes or handbags, it has its own style. This navy blue wool and rabbit fur blend shawl reinterprets Dior's original design Oblique print, the iconic pattern launched in 2017. The contrasting trim is decorated with tassels and matched with the "Christian Dior" capital letter logo to enhance the style. It can be draped around the shoulders, making it an ideal accessory to keep warm and fashionable. 1 Let's talk about it The color is still "navy blue". As we all know, it is Dior's classic and favorite color. It is the result of many times of printing and dyeing. It is more black and less blue, fine quality, light gray, this The light gray color of this model is still a color I have never seen before. With this color and the combination of gray and white, I have to say that the Dior designer has chosen the color very accurately. 2 Talking about the craftsmanship, the entire scarf can also be said to be luxurious. Point, the pattern on the whole shawl is not flat, it presents a three-dimensional touch through the yarn sparse process, classic combination, size, * "with tassels", without tassels, *, material, cashmere wool, high version scarf