Authentic grade original leather version with black diamond hardware BALENCIAGA ンReshapes classic bags and injects new soul into factory motorcycle bags. The name of the Le Cagole series of bags comes from the French slang Cagole -, which means "fashionistas who dress up too much," specifically describing those who are keen on matching and wearing gorgeous clothes. Fashionistas who are famous for their colors, exaggerated and complicated items and conspicuous brand logos. On the basis of retaining the original DNA of the classic motorcycle bag such as flat rivets, exquisite buckles and tassel zippers, it has added adjustable woven shoulder straps and cute and playful hearts. The shape of the small mirror perfectly softens the neutral temperament of the original version. Retro is back, and the new neon color system is even more fashionable. Model 105809 Size: 25.9X17.8X11.4, Balenciaga, BALENCIAGA