Authentic grade original leather, old money style BV Sardine large size has been shipped. Nowadays, many fashionable, rich and tasteful Jimei people are carrying the same bag. It is Bottega Veneta Sardine! Because this BV Sardine bag is so beautiful and high-end! The arc-shaped intrecciato woven bag body, paired with metal sardine handles, looks like a work of art, allowing people to ponder and appreciate it. Currently, Sardine has launched three sizes for everyone to choose from. This is the largest portable armpit Wear it over one shoulder and cross-body, it is a very high-quality and relatively niche treasure model. It will be very special when you carry it on your back to achieve the freedom of bag. Sisters, the model number is 754988, size 39*31*12cm, special BV, BOTTEGA VENETA