Chanel Chanel FW new autumn and winter retro striped knitted cardigan, rarely available through trading company channels, casually matched unisex sweater, a versatile item that can be worn by both men and women! This sweater is woven with all-wool yarn imported from customers. The fabric feels soft and fluffy. It feels comfortable and warm against the skin. The texture is great. The upper body feels wrapped in warmth without any prickly feeling at all! Classic retro black and white wide stripes, the upper body is stylish and fashionable when going out! The towel embroidered letter logo on the back, the logo's full and tight embroidery thread craftsmanship, complete the overall sense of class! The slightly wide cut style is lazy and casual and cannot be hidden. It is very comfortable and slimming on the upper body. It can be worn as an inner layer or directly on the upper body. The same style for men and women……………………………… ……………… SizeM-XXL,,Chanel