Chanel 24b New Double C Autumn and Winter Martin Boots Chanel Autumn and Winter Heavy Industry Popular Short Boots Classic electric embroidery rhombus elements and chain elements are intertwined, full of details! Xiaohongshu highly recommends styles that look good no matter how you match them, and are must-haves for fashion. Ms. Chanel loves simple and irresistible combinations to show her unique style. Mix and match freely to shine and follow Grandma’s fashion steps! ! ! Enlarge the exquisite details to see the original molded hardware buckle. The top version is made by purchasing agent. ★The upper is made of original mixed sheepskin and cowhide, sheepskin lining and sheepskin feet. The original molded anti-slip code number is 35-40 (40, 41 customized, non-returnable). Comes with a full set of packaging. ,,chanel,chanel,boots,cowhide,sheepskin