chanel Chanel sugar cube REMIRE ROCK watch! A shining star in Chanel watchmaking since 1987, 35 years after its creation, this icon of style once again appears in its original form, demonstrating its classic and timeless appeal. The octagonal shape of the REMIRE watch The outline is exactly the same as the shape of Place Vendôme in Paris. This timeless and perfect example of design echoes the feminine and charming character of the watch. Wear it on your wrist to witness the change of day and night and the flow of time. Genuinely original and high-precision Swiss Quartz movement, CHANEL REMIRE series, stainless steel case, surface plated with yellow K gold (0.1 micron) stainless steel crown plated with yellow K gold (0.1 micron) inlaid with cabochon onyx fine watch strap plated with yellow K gold ( 0.1 micron) interwoven black leather size 26.1X20X7.65mm strap size S/M/L/